Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Life after corona

At the end of all this chaos, I am sure we are going to socialize like we have never socialized before.

We are going to go to Shopping malls and will do the shopping for just a hack of it.

Streets will be flooding with people no matter what they are out for.

Bars and Pubs are going to be packed.

Restaurants will be operating on a week waiting period.

Saloons and hairdresser will work round the clock to restore your beauty.

Every seat in the movie theatre is going to be full, no matter which movie is on screen.

We are going to travel no matter what the need would be for.

We're going to hug and shake hands twice, thrice, multiple times to make up for it.

Wearing a face mask and clicking selfie will become style icon.

Life after Corona is going to be even more beautiful than before.

Humanity has come closer because of a virus.

A smile will glow on each face.

Let us meet to catch the smiles, soon…..very soon.

Monday, March 30, 2020

What you prefer to say- ‘Because of’ or ‘Despite..!’

Because of Despite my weaknesses…

Because of Despite my limitations…

Because of despite my inabilities….

Because of Despite my faults…

Because of Despite my fears…

Because of Despite, my past…

Because of Despite, I am being rejected multiple times…

Because of Despite the moments when I hesitate to take action…

Because of Despite I am not lucky enough…

Because of Despite my lack of talent…

Because of Despite my seeming lack of good fortune…

Because of Despite the obstacles in my path…

Because of Despite I am being challenged often…

Because of Despite having thought number of times to give up…

Because of Despite my strained relations

Because of Despite I feel low and drained out

I am not able to change anything everything

You can either live a mediocre life because of

Or you can live an awesome and rewarding one despite…!

Don't Pause, keep chipping away.

Don’t pause, Keep chipping away!

If you have big goals and dreams in your life, you can’t expect to achieve them overnight.

You need to keep chipping away.

Every action adds on.

Every step you take to move forward.

Every phone calls you make or receive inspires you to keep going.

Every mistake made and every lesson learned helps.

Every rejection counts.

Every training session makes you more eligible.

Remember, it’s not the one hour torrential rain that leaves the mark on the boulder, but it is the constant, never-ending dripping would.

Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year….keep chipping away.

Be persistent.

Be tenacious.

Be relentless.

Be resilient.

It takes efforts but it can be done.

Keep chipping away towards goal.

You are not a ceramic cup

When a ceramic cup drops to the floor it smashes into a number of pieces and can never be fully put together to become a cup once again.

But when a rubber ball drops, it bounces back.  

If it drops with enough force, it bounces back higher than from where it had dropped.

If you are a ceramic cup, you dread falling.  

You hang on carefully and play it safe.  

You are treated delicately by others and would never be handled roughly.

People feel scared to rub with you.

If you are like a rubber ball it’s your nature to cope up with dropping.

In fact, people who are like rubber ball they thrive and bounce back for more.

If you are like a rubber ball, you don’t need to be handled with care.

You can deal with the most extreme of circumstances.

Let us make a deal.

Whenever you fall, remember that you are not a ceramic cup anymore, but you are a rubber ball.

You will bounce back.

The fall will not break you into pieces.

You are more strong, tough and resilient than you previously thought.

It's not just a job.

It’s not just a job.

What you do every day is not just a job.

It’s an opportunity to further develop and hone your skills.

It’s an opportunity to stimulate your brain and train it to take more challenges.

It’s an opportunity to add value to the people around you, to make them smile, to help them to feel better about themselves.

It’s a chance for you to develop trust and collaborate with each other in the team.

It’s a chance to build resilience when the going gets tough.

It’s time to teach them that things are hard before it gets easy.

It’s time to build a team strength by overcoming individual weaknesses.

It’s time to put faith in the team and give them the freedom to make mistakes.

It’s time to teach people how to set priorities.

It’s time to teach people how to remain focus on a bigger goal while achieving smaller goals.

It’s time to practice optimism.

It’s time to teach your team to practice a win-win attitude.

It’s time to empower and inspire people around you.

It’s time to teach people to take responsibility and remain accountable.

It’s time to develop a leader within the team.

It’s an opportunity to use your experience and wisdom to assist the next generation.

It’s a chance to set goals within your reach but meaningful ones and enjoy achieving it.

If you see your job as just a job, then it will remain a job and there will be nothing more than that.

It’s time to be grateful for the wonderful memories and milestones you have made at your job.

Friday, March 27, 2020

The wishbone will never become the backbone.

The ‘wishbone’ will never become the ‘backbone’.

Dreams are great. Everyone should dream.

Dreams provide us an Aspiration.

Aspiration does magic.

Impossible getting converted to possible.

There is no harm in having dreams higher than sky and deeper than ocean.

Aiming a higher goal is a fantastic thing to happen.

But the wishbone will never become the backbone.

Dreams are insufficient without a plan.

Aspirations are inadequate without action.

And goals don’t get you anywhere without the grind and churn.

So don’t wait for things to happen.

Straighten up, stand tall, put your foot forward, go and change the world.

Fear Sells Free.

Fear sells free and we all are buying it by paying price.

It’s a tough time all over the world.

Humanity is at its biggest ever risk.

A small virus has challenged human lives.

Despite what we hear from all over places, we have to be hopeful, we have to be strong-both physically and mentally.

It’s a time for hope.

It’s a time for boldness.

It’s a time of endless kindness.

It’s a time for love and reconciliation.

It’s time to become helpful.

It’s time to embrace compassion.

What are you buying? Fear or Hope.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

If you are happy of not losing , you are already lost!

Do you take part in the game to come first, or you are satisfied with not coming last?

Do you want to achieve something extra-ordinary, or you are satisfied being mediocre?

Do you want to be great leader, or you are contented being an average leader?

Do you believing in inspiring others to achieve greatness, or you are not inspired enough to share your views and experiences?

Do you want to be an outstanding performer in your field, or you are just happy to manage no criticism?

Do you want to think out of box, or you are contented to think within the lines?

Do you want to push yourself to newer challenges, or you are happy to remain in your comfort zone.

Do you want to contribute towards making the world a better place, or you are happy with whatever way the world is now.

Do you want to win anyhow, or you are contented with not to lose?

Because if you aim to win, you give yourself a chance of winning. If you don’t aim to win, you lose every single chance to succeed.

But if you’re just happy with not losing, you’ve probably already lost!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Take a Gratitude walk

Take a gratitude walk.

Take a break from work and do a gratitude walk around your office corridor or passage and simply think about the people you are grateful for.

Take a gratitude walk, take a pause and think about each person on your team who does so much for you.

Take a gratitude walk for all with whom you are not directly related or connected with but your well- being is dependent on them.

Take a gratitude walk for people in our life like Parents, Family, Friends, Colleagues, Neighbors, Doctors, Nurses, caretakers, soldiers, firefighters, Security forces, Teachers, Pilots, Drivers, Servants, etc. and every other individual who has directly or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly, willingly or unwillingly has influenced our life and made a difference to us.

You can't force..

No matter how much you wish to, you can’t force anything and everything.

For example, you can’t force people to agree with you.

You can’t force people to accept your perspective and agree with.

You can’t people to share same value system as yours.

You can’t force someone to change his/her belief systems.

You can’t force people to stay in your life.

You can’t force people to spare time for you.

You can’t force people to remain committed to you.

You can’t force people to respect you or appreciate you.

You can’t force someone to be in a relationship with you.

People are who they are. You can’t force someone to be who you want them to be.

So what we do to win people?

Smile and encourage them to respond to your smile.

Genuinely become interested in them and their activities.

Begin a talk on common ground.

Be a good listener and encourage them to speak.

Make them feel that they are important.

Give a lot and expect less.

Show the respect no matter what their age or gender is.

Forget statistics and get personal. Don’t try to win every argument.

Don’t hesitate to apologize if you make a mistake.

Of course, you won’t be able to change everyone’s viewpoint or perspective.

But, give a try, you could change one.

Don’t be a back seat Driver

Don’t be a back seat Driver

We have often experienced that the passengers sitting on the back seats are free advisors, a flow free commentators.

Their subjects of comment start with Driver then goes to road conditions, then traffic conditions and finally ends with law and regulations.

In fact, it would not be too much to say that they Coach from behind. They conduct audio driving lessons, absolutely free of cost.

For the moment they forget that reaching their desired destination is very much dependent on the driver they are commenting about.

They take zero responsibility with maximum commentary.

Stop being just a passenger. Take charge.

Don’t be someone who has never controlled the steering wheel, instead be someone who is happy with those who are on steering.

Don’t be someone who is never happy with whatever destination his life takes him, but having no courage to change the course.

Don’t just watch the scenery passing by, instead watch the road ahead.

Jump from the back seat to the front seat.

Grab the steering wheel, put your foot down, press the accelerator and drive off.

Start a journey towards your life destination. Advance with confidence and with determination.

Learn to ignore those back seat drivers, once you used to be.

Friday, March 13, 2020

What do you get noticed for?

Some people have to wear high visibility clothing at construction site so that they don’t get run over by a truck or a forklift.

High-Visibility Clothing ensures that you can be seen when you’re in an environment with poor lighting.

It keeps them safe.

The idea behind wearing high-visibility clothing is to get noticed from a distance when your workplace is full of traffic.

High visibility clothes ensure your safety at the workplace.

On the other hand some people like to be highly visible at work forgetting recognition, for getting attention or status.

It feeds their confidence. It satisfies their ego.

And then there are those who do such compelling work that they obviously get noticed.

The enthusiasm, the passion, the dedication with which they get connected to others makes them highly visible and noticeable.

With their presence, they change the world around them.

So, what do you get noticed for at work?

What you wear or how you act or what you deliver?

what you do for free at your workplace?

What you do for free at your workplace?

Most of us try to fulfill our job requirements for which we are paid for.

Your job description clearly defines your role and responsibilities and the company expects you to work according to your job description.

It’s obvious you are being hired for that and also paid for.

Meeting deadlines, completing the project, meeting targets, cost-cutting measures, etc. are all important.

But, over and above, in addition to that, you do some things for free. Something you do for which you are not exactly paid for. Something which is not directly equated to your salary.

For example, you don’t get paid extra to be enthusiastic, and it’s not the right reason not to be.

Paying a brief visit to your colleague when he is sick isn’t necessarily a part of your role, but it’s still crucial and makes a big difference.

Offering a token gift to your fellow worker on his Birthday isn’t necessarily part of your job description, but if you do, it makes a lasting positive impact.

Clicking a selfie with the house-keeping worker or a canteen boy is not mentioned in your job profile but if you do so, it creates a great engagement with your support staff.

Sparing small time with your teammates to laugh or crack a joke or have fun etc. wouldn’t have told by your HR but if you can do so you will be one of the reasons for enhancing your team’s performance.

So by all means, do what you’re paid to do. It’s perfectly ok.

But know that the things you do for free are what will add significant value, set you apart from others and would help you to take your career to the next height.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Everyone needs an encouragement.

We live in a world where it’s easy to criticize and find fault in everything.

We make people feel inferior to prove our superiority.

We tend to compete with everyone when we need not to.

So many people in this world feel discouraged, pressed in, cornered, unworthy, unlovable, or completely overwhelmed by the circumstances of their lives.

We can make a difference in their lives with a few encouraging words.

Everyone needs encouragement.

If we genuinely want people to perform better and to reach their full potential, we need to become an encourager for them.

We need to catch people doing the right thing and encourage them to continue doing.

We need to build them up, grow them up to their best abilities.

We need to identify their unique strengths and develop them to perform at their best.

We need not celebrate success alone but also learn to celebrate progress, no matter how small it is.

People may not know what they want to do, and it is not your job to tell them what they should do.

But, you can encourage them towards what they like to do, what makes them joyful, which makes them feel strong and empowered.

You can encourage anyone from anywhere you are.

Sometimes a smile is all it takes.

A hug can do wonders to make someone feel worthy or lovable.

You can encourage someone with your words.

You can encourage by listening to someone patiently.

You can encourage someone by being a sounding board.

If you feel hard to find words to say, a simple touch on the arm or shoulder or a pat on the back would do the magic.

Find ways to encourage someone.

Do it sincerely and you will receive encouragement in return.