Thursday, January 30, 2020

Let us create an Avalanche!!

Let us create an Avalanche !!

In plain words, Avalanche can be defined as - a sudden great or overwhelming rush or accumulation of something. A slide of large masses of snow and ice and mud down a mountain.

Avalanches are destructive forces that take away everything along with them.

They are often characterized by a loud noise as the snow begins to build up, gradually gathering momentum until it becomes an unstoppable force.

Why not start one avalanche for us too!

Let’s create some noise and then start something that once it is started catches up some real momentum that can’t be stopped.

Imagine the impact of an avalanche in your career, in your personal life.

Question yourself do you have the courage to make some noise?

Question yourself do you have the initiative to start something fresh?

Question yourself can you maintain the momentum once you’ve started?

Question yourself once you have caught up momentum will you be unstoppable?

Let’s create an avalanche and change your world !!

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Don't be tired or overworked.

Would you make your loved one work 14 hours per day, constantly feel tired and try to accomplish everything at once?’.

The obvious answer will be 'NO'.

Then why do you do this to yourself?
Why do you push yourself hard, when you don’t even need to?
Why do you think it’s noble to be constantly exhausted and over-worked?

Why you want to punish your loved ones, seeing you tired, exhausted and over- worked?

Something to be thought about and worth   working upon.

It takes time to heal !!

It’s okay to admit that your wounds are still open and you are in the process of healing.
It takes time to heal completely.
There is nothing wrong to tell people to stay out of reach until you are completely healed.
People will not get you wrong who know you well, and those who don't, for them right or wrong hardly matter.

Emotional bank account

When I talk about motivating my team members, I always consider them having emotional bank accounts.
As a Leader I know well, sometimes I have to deposits and sometimes I have to make withdrawals.
Especially after a tough failure of a team, it is the time to make the most deposits. To fail in front of hundreds of your colleagues, co-worker, senior management and the Boss and in some cases in front of friends and family members too, takes enough out of their emotional accounts. If you continue to make withdrawals as a Leader those boys will go shut down and never rise up when you really want them to.
Unquestionably you have to make deposits not just once but more times in their emotional bank account to lift them high to come back.

No Oasis without Mirages!!

A journey through the desert on a hot and dry sunny day.

No signs of life anywhere in the near vicinity.

You just move on even when the sun is unbearable as its rays scorching your skin mercilessly and you are desperate for even a handkerchief size canopy to shield yourself under.

The sweat rolling down from all over causing hidrosis.

And then at the far away distance, you see signs of life.

You focus all of your energy and get there, only to find nothing but an oasis, a mirage.

You get disappointed but you don’t just give up your excursion and go in search of yet another oasis?

Like in the desert, our Life also has many oasis and mirages.

On your way to reach your goal, your destination, you will come across a few mirages.

There will be times when others let you down.

Or you met with something unexpected which would deter you from your goal and you start feeling when you will feel as if you will never be able to make it.

In such a situation, do you give up, or do you keep going?

Every obstacle you overcome, every locked door you break open and every mirage you find, will take you closer to your goal, your destination ultimately.

You would not wander in the desert for the rest of your life, cursing the mirages and never finding Oasis.

The fact is, there is no Oasis without Mirages!!

Monday, January 27, 2020

The Leader in the Middle!

One of the most difficult leadership positions in business today is which is also the most common, is ‘The Leader in the Middle.’

Especially, if you lead a team of people and also answerable to someone else, like a Boss, Senior Management, CEO, Customers, etc., you are not alone. You are among the millions of "Leaders in the Middle."

A very famous Author Nathan Jamail wrote: "Leaders in the middle too often serve down to their people and defend up to their bosses, instead of serving up to their bosses and coaching down to their employees."

It's time to challenge the traditional practice of servant leadership and learn to serve up to your Bosses and coach down to those whom you lead. Coach them with humility, selflessness, and confidence.

The motto is “Serve Up and Coach Down”

Who is your EDITOR?

Check out who is your EDITOR?

Whenever I ask my wife to go through my post, invariably I receive a couple of suggestions from her.

Either, for how I frame the sentence or the idea I have described or the thoughts I have expressed.

I always feel that I have done a perfect job of writing my post, might have read a couple of times and got convinced about what I have written, before pressing a PUBLISH tab.

After receiving her valuable tips, I realized that there are times we all need someone to help us out a little bit in re-checking or say editing whatever we do, from time to time.

In general, people do not like to receive constructive feedback or open-minded criticism, which would serve as a reference upon which one can do his personal development.

It’s time to ask yourselves, who’s your Editor?

Just find out who’s the person whom you accept and allow to have a close look over your work and can give frank feedback or criticism for improvement?

Find out who’s the person with whom you have developed such a strong relationship and you believe and you know well that they have your best interests in their heart when they give you feedback or criticism.

Find out who’s the person who sweetly confronts you when they noticed your intense outburst at someone else, which should not have been otherwise.

By all means, we all need an editor, and feel blessed if you have the one!

Similarly, it’s also important that you become an editor for someone to whom you feel you want to contribute positively to their life.

Everyone needs someone to tell them that they have spinach stuck between their teeth.

However, you can do so, if you have an established relationship with the person wherein your feedback or criticism will be credible and will be taken in the right perspective.

The most important fact is, if at all you are acting as an editor for someone, make sure that you are honest with your feedback and you encourage the opposite person to grow with your positivity about their efforts.

If someone comes to you with some criticism and if you feel their criticism is unfair, don’t over-react or get offended.

On the other hand, if you give feedback to someone and they over-react, don’t get perturbed. Just be kind enough and move on.

We all wish that we don’t need Editors but actually, we need them, they are necessary for our self- development.

Who is your Editor and whose work are you editing?

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Buy one extra packet of milk dear!!

In middle-class families, there is always an ongoing discussion about how much milk we should ask milkmen to put every day.

Many times, the number of milk packets per day will vary depending upon the requirement.

Women are, especially Indian middle-class women (as per my own experience) are working on a very tight monthly budget and hence they tend to decide all house-hold items with ‘just enough’ quantity.

This is more in case of daily milk packets requirements. They plan so tightly that next day if milkman for any reason does not deliver on time, maybe the school going kids will have to go to school without milk or papa has to run for the milk and make the extra run from booth to booth.

As I looked into this ‘just enough’ milk story which perhaps happens in each day, one or the other home, in India, I realized that we can easily fall into a ‘dangerous trap’ in life if we always try to do the bare minimum things or ‘just enough’ things required.

I have understood the fact that successful people always “buy more milk” and not ‘Just Enough’.

Successful parents spend more time and not just enough time with their children.

Successful students study more and not just enough.

Successful spouses express more love towards their partner and not just enough.

Long-distance travelers put more fuel in their cars and not just enough.

When your outstation stay is not known you carry an extra pair of clothes and not just enough.

When you pray for your loved ones you pray more and not just enough.

Successful salespeople make more customer calls and not just enough.

Successful leaders spend more time with their team and not just enough.

We will find many more examples in our life where we do more than just enough.

The lesson learned from this is - if you genuinely want to be successful in any aspect of your life, don’t do the bare minimum, hoping that it will be enough.

Do more than just enough!!!

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

When you walk into your office

In the morning when you walk into the office as a BOSS :

·      Do you see the smile on people’s faces?

·      Do you carry a fake smile on your face?

·      Do you receive more than 5 greetings?

·      Do you reciprocate greetings by a genuine smile?

·      Do you suddenly sense the hospital silence as soon as you enter?

·      Do you sense the positivity in the atmosphere?

·      Do you feel people genuinely feel glad to see you because of the value you add to their routine?

·      Do you bring energy with you as you enter?

·      Do people look to you as someone who can be trusted?

·      Do you influence them by your presence?

·      Do you raise the tone of your voice if you see something wrong as soon as you enter?

·      Do you ask Mr. A, Mr. B, and Mr. C to follow you in your cabin?

Do you know the answers to these questions?

If yes, do you care?

Can you do something about it?

Making deliberate efforts on improving in one or more of these categories can make a great impact.

It makes a difference in how you are viewed and the level of influence you have on your people.

Pl. decide to change the world, start with your office first.

Do you Practice desperation over Aspiration?

Whenever I had a dialogue with high career aspirants, one idea always resonates in our dialogue that ‘what are your career aims and how do you want to achieve them’?

Invariably I have experienced, the most career decisions are made - either aspiring to do something or desperation to leave something. In other words, either we want to get drawn towards unseen pleasure or we want to get withdrawn away from present pain.

Why our career decisions are pivoted on these two factors the most and how does this matter when making career decisions?

If you dislike your current job so much that you are ready to accept any other job ant any other place, you need to ask yourself that just by changing the work environment, will you automatically become happier and interested in your job and the work-place?

 Is there anything that needs to be changed other than the workplace? Anything related to your outlook?

Many people make crucial career decisions, desperation based. They need to get out of their current situation as quickly as possible. They might find their new role also not interesting in another 6 months and want to leave from there as well.

Maybe you will have to change your perspective on the work-front so that you derive more pleasure from your current role.

Maybe you have to work on your soft skills. 

You must develop your ability to cope with stress, and strike balance between what you consider your rights and your responsibilities.

 You need to have a proper understanding of the basic principle that you get more output if you put more input.

 Many individuals make a personal transition towards acquiring more skillset and it has enabled them to feel the right mindset to start to think about what they would aspire to receive a fulfilled career.

A piece of warning to those - please don’t wait in a present job until you hate what you do and then you are driven by desperation to leave the job at any cost. Instead, try to work upon yourself, develop a positive attitude, train yourself, develop yourself, invest in yourself and make yourself a model of Inspiration so that your organization and you both become assets for each other.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Help the people around you to walk two inches taller.

Just imagine, what it would look like if you can help the people around you to walk two inches taller.

If after every interaction, they felt better about themselves, more confident, more valued.

It doesn’t take much.

A simple thank you.

A compliment on their achievement.

Noticing and pointing out a particular skill.

Discussing a topic that matters to them.

Reminding them that you believe in them.

Spend time with them on one of their weekends.

Remembering their Anniversaries and Birthdays.

Appreciating on something good you noticed about them like dressing or cooking etc.

Inviting for Coffee after a gym workout.

Lending your vehicle when they have guests more than they accommodate in their vehicle.

It doesn’t take much.

But the impact is massive.

Don't focus on what-If.

If you too concerned about ’If” then?

If you don’t get good grades in your exam then…

If you don’t brush teeth regularly then…

If someone is rude to you, then…

If you have a stressful day at work, then…

If your partner isn’t feeling valued or loved, then…

If you are spending too much money on trivial things, then…

If you don’t feel like doing the right thing, then…

If your career is in a rut, then…

Too often, we focus upon the “if”, when it’s the “then” that makes the difference.

Don’t focus on what-ifs. Focus on what is

Lessons Are Everywhere. It's On You To Find Them.

What do you do if nobody believes in you?

What do you do if nobody believes in you?

Would you still believe in yourself?

What do you do if nobody chooses you?

Would you still choose yourself?

What if everyone around you undermine your capabilities?

Would you still join them?

What do you do if nobody thought that you could reach your goals?

Would you still continue towards your goal?

There will be times when you feel challenged or going tough in your endeavors and will be tempted to give up.

Would you still continue?

There will be times when the voices of your critics screaming louder than the voices of your cheer squad.

Would you be able to ignore them?

And there will be times when you will lose self-confidence and you will fall prey to the people who thought you are incapable.

Would you start believing in them?

You can’t control what others think or believe.

But don’t ever lose faith in yourself.

You can do it.

You can change the world.

You can become phenomenal.

I believe in YOU and I know YOU CAN! Do you believe me?

Sunday, January 19, 2020

10 steps for developing empathy at workplace.

1.     Remember and keep in mind always that your employees are human and have feelings!

2.     Listen to them with patience without reacting immediately

3.     Create a comfortable and safe atmosphere that allows your employees to express their feelings without any fear.

4.     Share mutually constructive feedback 

5.     Organize team-building activities on a regular basis just a sports day or an annual day is not enough!

6.     Bring about constant improvement at the workplace in terms of process, system or workplace up-gradation.

7.     Show your employees that you care for them, you value them and recognize their contribution.

8.     Support your employees' professional growth along with your organization's growth.

9.     Encourage your employees to try new things, share new ideas or reward them for 'dare to try' new ideas.

10.  Ask for feedback about you as a leader or what they feel about the organization as an overall.

Developing marketing mindset for coaching

Most coaches get involved in coaching because they want to make a positive impact on the lives of others.
As a coach, to what extent you are able to fulfill this objective depends upon two major factors: First, your skill and effectiveness as a coach. Second, the number of clients you are able to attract.
As a coach, you are in business and how effectively you run your business depends upon how effectively you develop a Marketing Mindset.' So, what mindset does it take to be a successful coach?
A successful coach mindset: - able to put client's or prospect's needs at first - actively engaged to assist your client to attain his objectives. - remain empathetic to the client's needs - able to act as an ethical advisor to the client -  in no situation, you will restrict or limit our services to your client.
Once you embrace the service paradigm to marketing, it will provide you much greater opportunities to fulfill your primary objectives-to assist your clients and to build a successful coaching business.

Need to come out-Winning

I am a great Admirer of Harsha Bhogle- a cricket commentator and journalist who has changed the definition of cricket commentary.
I follow him - for his articles, for his speeches for his interviews. 
I am truly influenced by his way of thinking. 
One thing I like about sports people, having being put into a situation from where they find it's difficult to win- they don't complain. Instead, they think it's all right,  I am in this situation - from here how I can win?  What I do differently or what I need to do to come out winning?  Similar situations we all face in our personal or professional life. What we must learn is how to overcome and come out winning. We need to learn to use all our resources efficiently and effectively and never to give up.

Confidence or self-esteem?

What is Confidence and self-esteem really about?
In my opinion, confidence and self-esteem are two different compartment of our mind—accessing each of them requires altogether different skills.
Confidence, I mean a self-confidence.
Is confidence something we are born with or we have to build upon?
In fact it is hard to define what is a confidence? It’s more as a feeling than anything else. Either you have it or you don’t.
If we have to talk about self-confidence, we have to consider a feelings like self-worth or self-doubt.
How you view confidence is entirely unique to you. And what you feel confident about is also unique to you.
In my opinion, confidence is a person’s ability to believe in himself and his inner strength which would guide him towards success.
Sometimes we feel confident about the things we are good at it. But, in real sense confidence has nothing to do with skill or talent.
As a natural instinct, confidence can be felt pretty performative, especially more about people’s perception about you, regardless how you feel about it. In other words, sometime people are pretty confident about you that you would 100% do it even if you are going with 25% probability.
For some people, confidence comes so naturally while for others it need to be worked upon or need to be developed.
Is confidence something inborn trait? I guess so, because for some people the confidence is just pouring all over. Nothing affects them - a criticism or neglect …they are just cool as they are! They are just not afraid of taking risks or try something new. Even if they fail, they don’t hesitate to attempt again.
To prove wrong a popular belief, confidence is no longer a genetic programming. You can change the way you feel it and feel confident.
Confidence can be created, developed, nurtured and cultivated. It’s a kind of learning process.
On the other hand self-esteem is altogether different. It requires more unlearning than anything else.
In a conventional way, self-esteem can be defined as Confidence in one’s own worth or abilities and self-respect.
Self-esteem is an individual's subjective evaluation of their own worth.
Self-esteem encompasses beliefs about oneself as well as emotional states to feel triumph, defeated, victim, proud, ashamed..
Self-esteem is often seen as a personality trait, which means that it tend to be stable and enduring.
Self-esteem can involve a variety of beliefs about yourself, such as the appraisal of your own appearance, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors.
Self-esteem can play a significant role in your motivation and success throughout your life.
Low self-esteem may hold you back from succeeding at school or work because you don't believe yourself to be capable of success.
By contrast, having a healthy self-esteem can help you achieve because you navigate life with a positive, assertive attitude and believe you can accomplish your goals.
There are different factors that can influence self-esteem. Genetic factors that help shape the overall personality can play a role, but it is often our experiences that form the basis for overall self-esteem.
Those who consistently receive critical or negative assessments from caregivers, family members or friends, will likely experience problems with low self-esteem.
Also, your inner thinking, age, any potential illnesses, disabilities, or physical limitations, and your job can affect your self-esteem.
In short, Self-esteem is defined as the evaluative component, the extent to which people view themselves as likable and worthy as opposed to unlikable and unworthy.