Monday, March 23, 2020

You can't force..

No matter how much you wish to, you can’t force anything and everything.

For example, you can’t force people to agree with you.

You can’t force people to accept your perspective and agree with.

You can’t people to share same value system as yours.

You can’t force someone to change his/her belief systems.

You can’t force people to stay in your life.

You can’t force people to spare time for you.

You can’t force people to remain committed to you.

You can’t force people to respect you or appreciate you.

You can’t force someone to be in a relationship with you.

People are who they are. You can’t force someone to be who you want them to be.

So what we do to win people?

Smile and encourage them to respond to your smile.

Genuinely become interested in them and their activities.

Begin a talk on common ground.

Be a good listener and encourage them to speak.

Make them feel that they are important.

Give a lot and expect less.

Show the respect no matter what their age or gender is.

Forget statistics and get personal. Don’t try to win every argument.

Don’t hesitate to apologize if you make a mistake.

Of course, you won’t be able to change everyone’s viewpoint or perspective.

But, give a try, you could change one.

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