Wednesday, September 2, 2020

when coaching will fail?

Like any other process, coaching is also a process.  Because, it is a process it can be effective or ineffective. There can be many factors that can impede its effectiveness. 

Things that dilutes the impact of coaching could be the fault of the coach himself, the coachee, or the organization’s culture. 

We can identify some of the broad issues that contribute to undesired results coming out of a coaching assignment. 

The after effects of a poor coaching assignment can be

v  Absolute no change in behavior.

v  Or the change that evaporates soon after coaching is over.

v  Cynicism-not able to see anything good in coaching.

v  A strong firm belief that behavior can’t be changed.

v  People try to disguise their habitual behaviors smartly so that they don’t ‘get caught.’

It is difficult to predict when coaching will be successful, but you can easily see the signs that it will fail.

If the person being coached resents the efforts to change him or her, or if the person starts thinking that only reason to change is that someone else wants it, then also the process won’t work. 

If the person is looking for a quick fix by reading a book or attending a workshop, rather than building skills through practice coaching will fail.

If the coach lacks the personal skills and the business mindset to nurture success in the work environment, then also the coaching process will fail.

For example, if the work environment is getting spoiled for people to work, and on psychologically ground, if trust is absent and vulnerabilities are exploited, then the coaching will not be able to bring desired change.




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