Sunday, June 28, 2020

The term 'Availability bias'

Recently the term 'availability Bias' made me curious to know more about it.

What is availability bias?

 It means we create a picture or an image of the world using the examples or the information which comes easy to our mind.

With availability bias, we tend to travel with incorrect risk in our heads.

What it means really?

It means, we systematically overestimate the risk of being the victim of a plane crash or head-on car accident or getting murdered or killed.

On the other hand, we underestimate the risk of fatality from less spectacular ways such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, or cancer.

The chances of enemy fighter plane crossing our borders and doing bomb attacks on us are much rarer while the risk of suffering from depression is much higher.

Why we don't understand this simple fact? Maybe because we attach too many possibilities to spectacular outcomes. Anything, silent or low profile or invisible we don't register importance in our mind.

That is because we think dramatically more than quantitatively.

We need to overcome this 'availability bias' mindset the soonest.

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