There are two types of people. One who read the manual and others who write the manual.
There are those who tend to comply with what is being told to them and there are those who find their own way, innovate and discover the way.
· There are those who are depending on others for their well-being and there are those who make their own future without depending upon anyone.
· There are those who do not get adapted to the change in the situation and feel happy to complain and there are those who love to drive the change and find happiness in the change.
· There are those who always prefer to play safe and not ready to take the risk and there are those who think that playing safe is a risk and they believe risk-taking is part of life.
· There are those who work only when they are being watched or monitored and there are those who aspire to greatness and do what they think is right.
· There are those who follow the instruction given in manual word-to-word, finding solace in its black and white script and there are those who know that instructions are just guidelines and require intelligent interpretation and wisdom to navigate through.
· There are those who think that their role as a manager is to make sure that everyone is working and remain busy and there are those who understand that leadership is about inspiring and developing others to rise to their true potential.
· There are those who accept the religion and faith as what being taught to them and follow blindly the same and there are those who pursue truth and purpose to find an ultimate meaning to the religion.
· There are those who reflect back on their life and wish, “I wish my life would have smooth …” and there are those who look back and feel happy, “I enjoyed the ups and downs of my life ..”
How about you? Do you read the manual or write it?
Even if you read the manual you are still not late to write it.
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