Saturday, February 1, 2020

Don't be a Traffic Police

Don’t be Traffic Police!!

Recently almost every city in India is going on with either new road construction or making a new fly-over bridge.

Owing to this, the roads are dug, vehicles are approaching from all sides causing traffic jams during peak hours.

Amidst this, we see one traffic police trying to control the situation by holding signs “STOP’, ‘GO SLOW’

The signs give us two options. “Stop” or “Slow down.”

Over the years, I have come across a lot of people who seem to operate like these signals.

For example, whenever someone in their group of the team or in their department tries to do something new, they hold up the sign “STOP”. If they are involved in the act they hold the sign “GO SLOW”

Whenever they are asked to do something outside of their job description…they hold up sign Stop or slow down.

Whenever someone sets the expectations higher for them they hold up the sign Stop or slow down.

Whenever someone under their leadership dares to own responsibility and try to lead they hold up the sign Stop or slow down.

Whenever their kids want to do something that no-one in the family has tried ever they hold up the sign Stop or slow down.

Traffic Police have an important role to perform and there is a need to manage situations that everything goes smoothly without any hindrance what are we managing by holding the sign Stop and Go slow?

In fact, we need to change our signs.

 Don’t Stop” or “Go for it”!!

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