Saturday, February 22, 2020

It's the action behind the scene.

It is the action behind the scene

When you’re watching high drama, high pot sporting events, whether it is for football or for basketball or for cricket while comparing the expertise and talent of each contesting team, we are almost forced to believe that the pre-game words or comments of the respective team coaches or sports experts that the coach of the side who had the best motivational speech would win.

It is no longer the case these days.

The team that wins is the one that is best prepared for the contest.

It’s the team that has worked hard to get trained, to get conditioned.

It’s the team where the team players play for each other and every player fully understands the importance of their role in the team.

It’s the team that learned how best they can utilize each other’s strengths and cover up the weaknesses.

A great leader, don’t spend much time preparing rosy words or fancy speeches would be anyway will be forgotten in the heat of game battles.

A great leader is direct, to the point more of action than of words.

A great leader understands that it’s the actions behind the scenes, will deliver the desired results.

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