Saturday, May 23, 2020

We are missing human link

When we talk about leadership, we get two diametrically opposite views from the people who manage and the people who get managed.

For example, if you ask most leaders and they would say they feel they are doing a great job as a manager, mentor, coach, and guide.

On the other hand, ask the people they manage how they feel about the leaders and you’ll hear they feel under-appreciated, undervalued, and unnoticed on many occasions.

What’s missing here is the human effective interaction or connection…getting to know and genuinely care about others.
Compassion for them as people.

Compassion is nothing but a willingness and desire to be kind to others.

It means being thoughtful, considerate, and aware of what other's lives and experiences are like.

It is the opposite of indifference.

Compassion means not seeing others as separate entities, but seeing them as a part of yourself and relating to what they are experiencing at a much deeper level.

Compassionate leadership is all about giving people what they need and not necessarily what they want.

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