Thursday, May 7, 2020

Your Solo Marathon

Your solo Marathon.
In the usual marathon, we have groups, we have large participants.
There is start time.
There is a finish line.
You need to qualify for a marathon.
There is a prescribed route for a marathon.
There is a crowd cheering you up, waiting all throughout the route.
Everything is pre-planned and announced in advance.
There is excitement, energy, and enthusiasm.
Participants are charged up, onlookers are cheering their favorites.
And you have other kinds of a marathon- anyone can run, any day of the year, any time of the year.
Put on your shoes, run your miles, and come back.
Here no crowd, no cheering, throughout your marathon run.
You are running your solo marathon.
You decide your start line and your finish line.
This is exactly what you do in executing a project.
This is exactly what you do when you decide to work upon your idea for a startup business.
This is exactly what you do when you choose your career which is different from a conventional one.
This is exactly what you do when you stand up against all odds to prove your point.
This is exactly what you do when you make a presentation for Investors to convince them to invest in your business.
You run the second kind of solo marathon here!!

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