Monday, April 6, 2020

Hey, who are you going to encourage?

It’s a universal law, whatever you do on the public platform, you receive two types of responses. One is the cynical kind who believes that your act is of your self-interest and the other one is of encouraging kind who wants to cheer all your efforts and wish that you keep doing the same.

One of your most prestigious and impressive presentations, you feel 98% of the audience is fully engaged with you and they are on the same page with you. On the other hand, the remaining 2% of the audience would be with very defensive posture and disagreement in their nods, you will find very hard to please them.

We noticed their dis-agreement and we immediately change our focus from that 98 % to 2% audience. We start thinking about them. We start asking them questions and try to search for answers which convince them. Our approach changes unfortunately, we tend to cater to their needs, neglecting the remaining masses who have actually applauded your efforts and work.

We must understand that there are always cynics who will not easily appreciate and don’t want to get engaged with your work. That is the reality, we must accept.

Any attempts to please them would be a waste of time and effort. It’s more productive and rewarding if we focus on those who acknowledge and appreciate your perspectives and want to get engaged with you.

What do you think a music composer would think about while composing the next music album?  Is he going to think about his critics or his fans?

Who do you think a famous movie maker is thinking about when he launches another great movie on the floor?  Is he worried about his critics or he is excited about his fans?

What do you think a famous painter is thinking about when he is about to begin his next portrait on the canvas? Is he thinking about critics or he is thinking about those who appreciate his art?

Instead of trying to suit your presentation for that 2 % with their arms crossed and lips twisted, why not make an effort to please that 98 % who are eager to hear from you.

It’s a fact that we can’t easily ignore the cynics but it happens that we ignore those who are engaged with us and supporting us.

When in dilemma, always try to choose those who appreciate your efforts.

Make a habit to accept both. The critics will criticize and the fans will cheer.

Think, you’ve done a great job.

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