Monday, April 6, 2020

When do you think you can go out in public once again?

Last week, during an online session of Executive Coaches, to encourage each other to cope up with the present situation without anxiety and stress, where one of the Coach asked a very powerful question: When do you think you will be able to go out in public without fear?

He was asking for a time period. Like, what is the timeframe after which we can go out in public as we used to do before this crisis?

Some said - 6 months, some said 1 year and some were not able to guess after what time period.

There was no right or wrong answer to it. 

May be all were right. Even, who kept quiet were also right.

It was a straightforward question- full of anxiety, deep worry and with a bit of frustration too.

A straight forward question having no straight forward answer.

Certainly, a thought-provoking one I truly could not think of any answer.

Going out in a public is like a suppressed wish, a locked desire.

It’s symbolic of going out in public- something like going to shopping malls or Movies or a Pub or restaurants or it can be just roaming freely.

I could not find an answer for him but in turn, I questioned myself when will I feel safe going out in public? 

This question has multiple dimensions and you can answer from any angle and still, no one can tell you are wrong.

1) As per official guidelines from the Government – as and when government across the world decide to ease the lockdown based on situational assessment. Especially, my state government eases out lockdown in our state and our city. This is my First angle.

2) Your own perceptions of the situation, based on what you see/hear and read in media. This is my Second angle.

3) Your appetite to take risks and ready to face the consequence, to portray your sense of boldness. This is the third angle.

4) Your occupational needs. How badly you are wanted at your workplace and the amount of notional loss your absence would incur to your employer. This is the Fourth angle.

5) Your physical and mental wellbeing. In spite of all okay outside, your physical and mental conditions do not permit you to step out. You want to wait till your guts say ‘GO’. This is the Fifth angle.

I can still go on for sixth, seventh angle.

The basic point you see - it's not an easy one. You can’t explain or convince the opposite guy ‘why I can’t’ and at the same time, the opposite guy can also not in a position to tell if not today, maybe tomorrow or next week or week after that.

Ask yourself, before this lockdown release- ‘When do you think you will be able to go out in public in a crowded place again?’ You will understand how difficult it is to tell yourself.

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