Saturday, July 11, 2020

Ships don't sink due to water around them.

Ships don’t sink due to water around them.

They sink because of the water that gets on the ship.

We’re all surrounded by various problems.

There are a number of things we need to be afraid of, feel threatened of.

You may not be in favorable circumstances.

Many odds going against you and life may seem stormy.

But you should not feel defeated by what goes around you.

You will be defeated when you let it get inside you.

I’ve met a lot of people who were incredibly successful despite unfortunate upbringings amidst of chaos and hardship.

Because they are resilient, they are able to thrive.

They are virtually unshakable and unsinkable due to the stormy sea surround them.

You too can be unsinkable.

You too can thrive becoming resilient, provided you do not let in the stormy water inside you.

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