Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Burn Out at work place.

Are you experiencing ‘Burn Out’ at your workplace?

Burn out is a common term recently being used and discussed by employees and a lot of theories are floating around what is Burn Out and how it can be prevented.

Eight out of ten employees are complaining burn out on their job, at least some point of times they are facing in their career.

What Burn out is in fact?

Burn Out is chronic workplace stress that can’t be successfully managed by a person himself.

What are the signs of Burn Out?

·         Feeling of dropping of energy level or feel the exhaustion from work.

·         Feeling a mental distance from work. Or feeling negativity or cynicism about your work.

·         Reducing of Professional efficacy.

The pattern of Burn out:

·         Always feeling

·         Very often feeling

·         Sometimes

·         Rarely

·         Never

What are the major reasons for burn out?

1.    Unmanageable workload

2.    Unreasonable time pressure

3.    Lack of support from seniors or from the management

4.    Unclear communication from the management

5.    Unfair treatment at work.

How to get over the Burnout?

·         Take small breaks in between on your normal working day to remove monotony.

·         Keep your digital devices away or stay away from your phone at least 3 to 4 hours at a stretch.

·         Try to do something interesting activity and get engaged in, if you are not working.

·         Periodically take long weekends and try to relax mentally to unwind work-related matters.

·         Search meaning why your work matter so much to you over your personal matters.

·         Finally, make sure that it’s really Burn out and not anything else.




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