Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Complimentary coaching sessions

Are you a coach offering complimentary Coaching sessions?

Here are a few points on how to offer successful complementary coaching sessions and make your clients interested in your coaching.

v  Keep the focus on the client, not on yourself. Your nerves are all excited and you desire to offer a lot in your session but these are all about you. But, Coaching is all about “them.”

v  Don’t try to quick fix the client’s problem. Instead, focus on expanding the client's possibilities. Every great coach knows very well that Coaching is not about solving the client’s problem.

v  Focus on building the potential relationship. Help the client to feel what's possible for him through coaching.

v  Don’t try to impress but try to give the client experience. The experience about themselves, coaching relationship values, and the potential outcomes they can derive, working with you.

v  Take notes of all the information your client is sending you. Don’t try to analyze it at that moment. Don’t judge right or wrong. Just try to recognize a good client fit.

v  If you and the client become a great fit, you can invite them for Coaching.

As a coach remember four words during your first complimentary coaching session::

Focus, Experience, Notes, Invite.


These are my basic elements of a complimentary coaching session.

There are many more elements in addition to the above. You must practice mastering this process.


Without the ability to concrete coach-client relationships, you will not become a professional coachpreneur. 





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